Repentance Prayer
Our #1 goal of this entire ministry is to Spread the Word of God to help bring more people into the Kingdom of God. If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior, PLEASE read the prayer below and take a positive step toward eternal life.
FATHER, Let it be Your Will and hear my prayer, I am a Sinner that no longer chooses to live my life separately from You or Your Will for my life. Please search my vessel and cleanse me from ALL that is not of you. I give myself to you on this day, a new beginning for me! Wash me in your Spirit that I may be able to receive Truth, so that I am convicted of every evil thought, every evil action, every evil want, as well as every evil desire that I have had that will try to hinder my new walk with you as my Father. Open me up to your thoughts that You have for my life. I want as well as need to be set free from the darkness that has held me in bondage. I have heard from others about Your Son Jesus and His passion and obedience and wonderful sacrifice that He gave to All of us when we were yet in darkness, when we walked in the spirit of Satan, and Father I choose not to follow the wrong path any longer. I don't know much about Jesus personally but I desire to know Him as well as He knows me. Deliver me, Save me, and Fill me with your Holy Spirit of Truth as I grow in Grace. I surrender my life to you; I receive and accept You. I believe on this day for it to be true that I (-insert name here-) am born again of the Spirit of The Invisible God, God Almighty and through Jesus', who is Your Only Beloved Son, my Saver and The Holy Ghost, my Father and Teacher who will teach me all things. Thank you Father for saving me! I AM SAVED!!! In Jesus' name. AMEN!